Friday, November 14

Finding my legs

After transitioning from walk/runs to running and starting to workout with a water polo team on a weekly basis, I think I'm finding my legs. They definitely don't get me to where my mind is thinking or as fast, but they are there.

Wednesday night was my weekly trek to Charlotte for Water Polo (and work). I stayed in the goal most of the time and actually got my hand on most of the balls - I didn't stop very many, but I touched most.

Running is also getting to be easier. I'm going between 2 & 3.7 miles at a time and its fairly comfortable - slow, but comfortable. I look at my pace occasionally, but I'm working on stretching out to run longer and not worry about pace. I'll be building up to 45 minutes of running this weekend.

I keep eyeing different running events, but have been busy with other activities on the weekends. There's an upcoming 5K in Greensboro on Thanksgiving day - maybe I'll have to work that in before firing up the grill.

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